Monday, December 7, 2015

Dioxin Contaminated Pigs in Ireland

My "food law" headlines pulled up the following story from Ireland. As we struggle with our food safety system here in the U.S., a problem with contaminated pig food is devastating the Irish hog industry.

From Irish Times -

An estimated 100,000 pigs will have to be destroyed because of the pigmeat crisis which has led to the recall of all Irish pork products in Ireland’s largest food scare since BSE.

The public have been told to dump or return all pork products which they purchased since September 1st last because of the risk of dioxin contamination.

It is estimated that €125 million worth of food products in home and in export markets – up to 25 countries – will have to be destroyed.

The recall followed the discovery of potentially dangerous dioxins, known as PCBs, in pigmeat. They were initially traced in an un-named meat plant in the Republic. The dioxins were contained in feed supplied from a Co Carlow food recycling plant, it emerged yesterday.

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