Wednesday, July 22, 2015

peacefood cafe: a new vegan restaurant on the UWS

We met a friend for lunch at the newly opened peacefood cafe, a restaurant that features vegan entrees and desserts.

The interior was bright and airy (there was no indication that this used to be a dental medical center)! You have to first order at the counter and then a server will bring your food to your table.

The mini brownies ($0.99) looked good!

Green Lemonade ($8, large): We asked for a beverage recommendation and our server suggested this drink. This was blended with apples, lemon, ginger root, and mixed greens. It was tart and the greens definitely left an aftertaste. It was prepared well and definitely was fresh; however, liquid mixed greens aren't really our style.

Daily Vegetable ($5, small): The zucchini and chayote squash were delicious. They were grilled enough to allow for the sweetness to come out.

Chickpea Fries ($6): These fries were plump and tasty. They were lightly breaded, substantial, but not heavy.

Pan-seared French Horn Mushrooms Panino ($9): Our friend had this sandwich filled with mushrooms, sun-dried tomatoes, arugula, artichoke aioli, and mint & basil pesto.

Roasted seasonal vegetables pizza ($9): We're told that this takes 15 mins to make and it was well worth the wait. We love the taste of the zucchini and yellow squash along with the crunchier texture of the pine nuts. The chunky tomato sauce was also tasty and made this dish nice and hearty.

peacefood cafe is located 460 Amsterdam Ave (at W 82nd St).

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