Friday, July 3, 2015

Wine Wipes - Keeping your Smile Picture Perfect

We've all been there before. Trying to enjoy a nice glass of red wine while worrying that your teeth are turning blue while your lips are turning purple.
Whether you're on a date, at your wedding, or meeting people at a networking function, there's now a discreet way to wipe that wine off your pearly whites. The solution? Wine Wipes.

The wipes come packaged in a plastic, compact container with a mirror. They can also be purchased in individually wrapped wipes. Each wipe is moist with a citrusy juice that will remove the stains on your lips and teeth without affecting your palette.
A 12-pack of individually wrapped Wine Wipes ($12.95 CAD = approx $11.25 USD) are available online at
The compacts are available in 3-pack form ($18 USD) on the Borracha site.
We have one compact to give away. Leave a non-anonymous comment. The winner will be randomly selected and notified by July 10th. Contest is limited to residents of Canada and the U.S.

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