Wednesday, February 4, 2015 - first impressions

I recently made a post about Hungry Bangalore's online delivery service. Incidentally, in case you were wondering, I did not hear back from them after I emailed them your inputs. I however received this email from, a portal offered by dparv software solutions company. If I understood their website right, the story is this: If you are Nandini, and want to offer an online food ordering service, give them a call and they can plug their solution into your existing website. I havent checked their site out yet closely enough since I was travelling over the weekend - so look out for another post.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Feb 2, 2008 5:50 AM
Subject: Fw: Win cool freebies with online orders on !


Dear Aravind,
I keep reading your blog on Food&Drink .
You may want to check out the below mail..and the new online orderring experiance at . We are from and have launched a new online ordering service that you can experiance at CasaPicola and other restaurants that are signing up on We look forward to your experiance and comments
Now there is a choice !

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