Thursday, February 12, 2015

New Online Network for Sustainability Research

The creation of the new online research service, the Sustainability Research & Policy Network (SRPN) was just announced. SRPN will provide “a worldwide, online community for research in all areas of sustainability and policy” modeled along the lines of the popular Social Science Research Network (SSRN).

The announcement states that the SRPN will begin with 25 Subject Matter eJournals, and “subscriptions will be free during the start-up phase through September 2012.”  Many of the eJournals may be of interest to Agricultural Law readers, for example, the Food Industry eJournal, the Food Politics & Sociology eJournal, Politics & Energy eJournal, Pollution eJournal, Renewable Energy eJournal, Sustainability & Economics eJournal, the Water Sustainability eJournal, and others.

In addition, two Research Paper Series will also be presented, the Center for Robust Decisionmaking on Climate & Energy Policy (RDCEP) Working Paper Series and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) Discussion Paper Series.  For more information, view the SRPN announcement.

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