Sunday, February 22, 2015

Foodie Exchange with Italy!

Italy has a special place in my heart.  I loved traveling throughout this beautiful country: eating pasta, cheeses, and lots of gelato; drinking wine because it was cheaper than water; and seeing priceless works of art.  The foods of Italy also hit close to home as it is part of my husband's heritage.
Suffice it to say, I was very eager to do a foodie exchange with Giulia from the beautifully photographed Juls' Kitchen.  Here's a close up view of the goodies:

On the left are candies from Turin, home of the last Winter Olympics (2006).  The small package on the right excited me to the core!  Juls sent me local strands of saffron, which means I'll be making more delicious meals like my recent moroccan couscous dish!
This bag of organic farro was a special request from me.  We can't wait to prepare this nutty spelt (wheat) grain with bacon or make a rustic salad with it.  Anyone have any other recipe recommendations for farro?
And finally some white chocolate pistachios (with a charming note) and Giulia's personal postcard (again, I must mention her wonderful photography!)  Thanks Giulia for sharing these Italian delights and I hope you enjoy our treats from NYC!

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