Monday, February 16, 2015

Inside the Tents at Bryant Park for a Foodie's Glimpse of NYC Fashion Week

When people ask us about the origins of our name, High/Low Food/Drink, we often explain:  "Like mixing high/low fashion, we love mixing our food experiences.  Great style, like great food/drink experiences, can be found at all price points."

So we thought it would be a good opportunity for us to showcase both fashion and food when the PR folks for Starbuck's new Frappuccino Light beverage invited us to their lounge.  After all, it was located inside the heavily guarded, by invitation only, main tents of New York Fashion Week

 This morning was another snowy one in NYC as photographers, media, and the fashion set descended upon Bryant Park for a final time (NY Fashion Week moves to Lincoln Center in September).
Inside, fashion and corporate sponsorship were evident everywhere.
The complimentary bottled Starbucks Frappuccino Light came in Mocha and Vanilla flavors.  With only 100 calories, we thought the beverage was creamy and tasty.  And at about $1.99 MSRP, it is definitely an affordable indulgence. 
Tom Colicchio's casual 'wichcraft had a table selling sandwiches and salads.
But it was their Jelly-filled Bombolinis ($2.25) that looked the most delicious.
Who could pass up a chocolate fountain with marshmallows and pretzel sticks available for dipping?
One of the most popular events during Fashion Week is the celebrity-filled charity event:  The Red Dress Collection 2010 for The Heart Truth - A Campaign for Women About Heart Disease. 

Above left is the Swavorski dress worn by Fergie on the runway in 2006, while at right is the Heart Truth tack pin that's part of the Swavorski jewellry line created to raise money for women's heart health research.
Demel, the Viennese coffee shop whose NYC location is found within The Plaza, provided these plain mini gugelhupf (Viennese bundt cakes).  Though they lacked the traditional nuts and raisins, they were sweet and the perfect size.
Thanks to the PR firm representing Starbuck's Frappuccino Light beverages for the complimentary Vanilla Light drinks and for our glamorous inside look at New York Fashion Week.

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