Sunday, November 15, 2015

Foodie Exchange: All the way from Arizona!

 Did you ever have pen pals from around the world?  Remember exchanging stories with them and looking forward to getting mail in the post with letters from around the world (versus the bills and junk mail we usually find in our mailbox!)?

What if your pen pals sent you foods instead of letters from their hometowns?  We thought it would be a fun idea, so we eagerly joined the Foodie Exchange group and had fun choosing the perfect NYC foods to exchange with others.

We just received our first package from Felice in the Kitchen, based in Arizona.  She promised us some Hot Stuff and she absolutely delivered!  We're looking forward to trying out her crushed chili to spice up our dishes, Arizona Gunslinger hot sauce on our wings, and her Jalapeno beef jerky as a game-time snack.

Thanks Louise!  If you would like to join the exchange, click here.  Curious what we sent out to Arizona?  Check out Louise's post here.

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