Agricultural law can be defined as the network of laws that apply to the production, marketing, and sale of agricultural products. Food, with the exception of that which is hunted, gathered, or created in a chemistry lab, is an agricultural product.
So, in one respect, food law can be seen as a subset of agricultural law. The informational materials for the Agricultural Law LL.M. Program reference agricultural law as "the laws that apply to the production marketing, and sale of the food we eat, the natural fibers we wear, and increasingly, the bio-fuel that runs our cars."
But, in reality, food is much than a simple subset. Agriculture began as an attempt to produce food, and it is the production of food that has historically given agriculture its claim to special status world wide. Human survival (indeed, the survival of any animal) is dependent upon two basic elements - food and water, and agriculture uses one to produce the other.
So it is not surprising that as interest in food has increased in our popular culture, interest in agricultural law has also increased. What impact might this have on American farmers and on agricultural law?
In my view, having consumers more interested in the food they eat and where it comes represents a remarkable opportunity for agriculture, and it represents an exciting new frontier for agricultural law. Farmers are not used to consumer "interference" in the agricultural marketplace, so some conflicts are anticipated. But, consider the following arguments, all presented from the perspective of the American farmer.
1) The industrialization of U.S. agriculture has been fueled largely based the goal of cheap food. However, in the long run, cheap food is not the wagon that American farmers want to hitch their horse to . . . First, cheap food is one of the reasons why American farmers h

2) Consumer interest in food offers farmers a unique opportunity for a market that is interested in the products they have to sell. Consider for example, the ongoing efforts by Appalachian Rural Development to help Virginia Burley Tobacco farmers to convert their farming operations to organic vegetables. This effort was highlighted on a recent segment of the PBS news show Now. As one farmer says of the transition, "I can make more money selling tomatoes than I can tobacco." It is that simple.

And, of course there are other consumer interests, some as basic as food safety or buying local to reduce "food miles" that offer American farmers an opportunity to market their products to informed buyers.

Farmers may feed the world, but now the world would like a say in what they eat. That sounds like a great marketing opportunity to me.
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