Tuesday, November 10, 2015

SF: Foodbuzz Festival Afternoon delights

During the afternoon of the Foodbuzz Festival (Day 2), Meghan, Lindsay, Christina, and I went out to check out the freebies from local vendors and to cheer on Mardi for her Bertolli demonstration.

On the way there, we bumped into Amie and we quickly discovered that we were neighbors in NYC (well, with only Central Park between us!).

Check out all of my food and drink pics from the afternoon event plus Mardi's debut!








Mardi demonstrated her winning recipe of Pesto Deconstructed Pizza.
Despite being filmed and needing to converse with the Bertolli chef, Mardi flawlessly and charmingly presented her winning dish in front of several bloggers.

Everyone wanted to try Mardi's dish!
Congrats on a great recipe and presentation Mardi

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