Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Brasserie Beck - A Nice Respite from a Hot Summer's Afternoon

It can get pretty hot and humid in DC - what better way to cool off than with a few great Belgium beers? We headed out to Brasserie Beck, a fun open-concept restaurant that combines Belgium and American foods.

The food smelled fantastic (the moules frites and duck sausage and peppers looked really good!), but since we came here for a pre-dinner drink, we just opted for a couple of drinks instead.

The space is elegant and the atmosphere is casual.

Bavik ($5, 5.3% ABV, from Brouwerij Bavik): A crisp, medium body and refreshing pilsner that is a bit fuller with more taste than the mass produced ones. Like most European beers, the alcohol content is higher than their American counterparts, however, this beer has a good hop bitterness and carbonation to keep it interesting. Gold in color with a light head, this is nice, tasty, easy drinking beer.

Uptown Greyhound ($10): vodka, St. Germaine Elderberry liqueur, pink grapefruit juice, and champagne. Light and bubbly, this was a great summer cocktail. The combination of flavors are not syrupy sweet, but crisp. Though the champagne makes the Elderberry and vodka less overpowering, we could still tell that the alcohol was there!

Gouden Carolus Tripel ($9, 9% ABV, from Brouwerij Het Anker): Pours a nice foamy head with substantial lacing. The Belgian tripel had good carbonation, touch of caramel sweetness, citrus, with a warming finish due to the alcohol. A good Belgian beer to try that is balanced, the Carolus Tripel is one you won't find often on tap.

Brasserie Beck is located at 1101 K St (at 11th St).

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