Monday, June 8, 2015

DT + KOGI = Midtown Foodie Craze

Hundreds of midtown office workers and curious foodies lined up today for a 1 hour event: the introduction of LA street truck Kogi in conjunction with NYC's Dessert Truck.

The line stretched from Lexington Ave to 3rd Ave, with only 200 people lucky enough to get their $4 combo of Kogi's Kimchi Quesadillas with Dessert Truck's Chocolate mousse with Peanut Butter centre. All proceeds were donated to Citymeals-on-Wheels.

Kogi was in town for tonight's Street & Savory event at Rockefeller Center (Dessert Truck will be there too for the charity event to support Citymeals-on-Wheels).

Hungry New Yorkers waited 45 mins-1 hour

Top Chef's Lee Anne Wong was on hand to help make the Kimchi Quesadillas.

Kogi's Kimchi Quesadillas.

The Kimchi (pickled cabbage) was not too spicy, but still maintained its crunch. We never would have put this combination of kimchi with cheese together, but it surprisingly worked.

Dessert Truck's Pastry chef, Jerome Chang (still smiling!), nears the end of the 200 lunches.

Dessert Truck's Chocolate and Peanut Butter Mousse Dessert with Vanilla Bean sauce and Caramel Popcorn.

Light and airy with peanut butter in the middle and cocoa powder on the exterior. The dessert was quickly gone in a couple of bites.

After running out of food at 1pm, Lee Anne Wong and the rest of the DT/KOGI team are still all smiles. Next stop, tonight's $600/person charity event at Rockefeller Center.

The people from Kogi say that they will be returning later this summer. Also, Lee Anne Wong will be spearheading bringing a new Kogi cart to NYC. Stay tuned!

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