Saturday, September 12, 2015

Deschutes Black Butte Porter

It's always a thrill to find a new beer during our travels.  And it's even better if our find turns out to taste good. 

We found the Deschutes Black Butte Porter (5.2% ABV) while we were on the West coast.  Because Deschutes beers are not available in NYC, we decided to give the Black Butte Porter a shot.

Unlike other porters that can be thin and hollow, the Deschutes Black Butte Porter is a bit more full.  The color of the Black Butte is almost black and has a light carbonation with plenty of lacing, some roasted chocolate malt and faint, if any bitterness. It's easily drinkable and will not wear out your palate because it is not too sweet nor too bitter. Overall, the Deschutes Black Butte Porter is a very good beer.

We hope that Deschutes beer will eventually be available in the NYC area for sale.  We would love to try the brewery's other beers like The Abyss or the Obsidian Stout.

Deschutes Brewery is located in Bend, OR.

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