Thursday, September 10, 2015

Update on Colony Collapse Disorder

This past summer most of you probably heard about the loss of American bees due to the mysterious colony collapse disorder. Last week Science published research indicating that the collapse may be caused by a virus imported from the Middle East. NPR summed up the research in a nice story. Researchers found a definite correlation between the virus and the decline in the U.S. bee population, but did not establish a causal link. They suggested that other factors (mites and fungi) might tip the scales in favor of collapse in infected hives. (My insecticide theory does not seem to be floating to the top of preferred causes.)

Researchers report that beekeepers can save their hives by irradiating the virus. American farmers and beekeepers will no doubt be excited by this news, but prognosis for crop pollination next year is still a little uncertain due to the large loss of bees (up to 90% in some areas).

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