Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Pizza Cone

On our way to last Sunday's NY Craft Beer Week finale in Astoria, Queens, we saw a store advertising...for the 1st time in the USA...Pizza in the Cone.

How could we resist?  We had to come back and check out this novel, handy snack!

We chose the Marguerite ($2.99 or $3.25 after taxes) and watched how it was made.  The cook rolls up the dough into a cone shape and stuffs the cheese and other ingredients into it.  Then the pizza cone is placed, standing up, in a custom-made, rotating oven.

The Marguerite had tomato sauce, tomatoes, oregano, olives, and lots of mozzarella cheese.

Lots and lots of gooey cheese!

The cheese was actually most of the filling. 

So what did we think?  This was a fun, cheap pizza snack that made us feel like we were kids again.  Was it the best pizza we've ever had?  Well, no.  We wished more of the ingredients made it to the middle and bottom of the cone.  Did it bring a smile to our face? - Definitely!  The cone-crust was soft and tasty.

Pizza in the cone is found at 32-15 36 Ave. in Astoria, Queens.  While there, check out the rest of the grocery store which features many treats from Brazil.

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