Thursday, May 28, 2015

B.O.R.I.S. The Crusher from Hoppin' Frog Brewery

We were surprised when we stopped by a local pub to find B.O.R.IS The Crusher Oatmeal Imperial Stout from Hoppin' Frog Brewery. We've had the 22oz bottles of this before but we've never had it on tap. The first time we had this, we made the mistake of drinking the whole big bottle in one sitting as it is 9.4% ABV. It does pack a wallop.

The beer looks just like it tastes. It is thick, bold, and rich. We tasted dark, smoky fruit and roasted coffee. After we let it sit and warm up a bit, the sweetness diminished a bit. This allowed some of the roasted malt and coffee aromas to take over. And the finish is not overly bitter but is long lasting. If you drink this too fast, well look will crush you (and us) every time. Too bad we couldn't fill our own growler to take some beer to go. We would've loved to bring it home to pair with chocolate - it makes a great, after-dinner drink!

B.O.R.I.S (Bodacious Oatmeal Russian Imperial Stout) is from Hoppin' Frog Brewery located in Akron, OH.

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