Monday, May 18, 2015

Victory Brewing Company

One of the better craft breweries is Victory Brewing in Pennsylvania. We are big fans and are glad that their beer is available here in the northeastern U.S. Over the past couple of years we've enjoyed their Storm King Stout and Prima Pils. Recently, however, we have been able to try a couple of other beers: the Hop Wallop and Wild Devil.

Hop Wallop: This was an aromatic seasonal beer, medium body and a lingering bitter, hoppy finish. True to its name, it is incredibly hoppy (which we love!) We've enjoyed it both in bottle and on tap where we can find it.

Wild Devil Ale: The Wild Devil Ale is one of Victory's newest beers, with a little brettanomyces (type of wild yeast) added to give the beer a little funk (or barnyard) on the nose. This (in small doses) is actually a good quality in beer (too much in wine, however, it's considered a flaw).

Wild Devil has a rich malty, medium body ale with some citrus notes, and the brett is not overwhelming at all. The beer was a pleasant surprise.

The Storm King Stout: This is a Russian Imperial Stout and has a sweet, roasted malt aroma, with coffee and chocolate accents.
The Storm King has a rich and bready style, with a full mid-palate and a long finish that's slighty bitter with notes of coffee, chocolate and toasted malt. For a beer with over 9% ABV, it's quite smooth without the alcohol overwhelming the aromas and taste.

Prima Pils: This is a fresh and crisp, German-style Pilsner. It has a slight, yeasty nose, aromas and taste are how a Pils should be, with some grassy hops and a little bitterness on the finish.
The Prima Pils has a medium body Pils that will make you forget mass-market beers. This will definitely will be one of our go-to beers this spring and summer.

We're elated that the beers are becoming more readily available so we can continue to enjoy them. We've had at tastings some of Victory's other beers including the ESB, Bags Packed Porter and Braumeister Pils and look forward to trying some more.

Victory Brewing Company is located in Downingtown, PA.

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