Thursday, May 14, 2015

Roasting Plant - Coffee of the Future!

As part of our of Lower East Side foodie tour, we took a short break at Roasting Plant. From the brainchild of former Starbucks exec and industrial engineer Mike Caswell, this inventive and futuristic coffee shop does almost everything in-house.

The lighter beans in the cylinders on the right are unroasted beans. Upon ordering your coffee, the unroasted beans are sucked through the cylinders to the roasting plant by the window. Once roasted, the beans are then placed in the tubes on the left.

The roasted beans are then sent through the tubes to grinder-brewer. Finally, your custom cup of coffee is made! It's a really neat experience to have the coffee beans (which are sourced from South America, Africa, and Southeast Asia) whiz all around you in the tubes that are placed all around the store.

Finally, there are plenty of options to enhance your coffee.

Roasting Plant not only provides some unique entertainment, but more importantly, serves you a fantastic cup of coffee. It is fresh, not burnt (we're looking at you Starbucks!), with a nice creamy texture and lots of flavour.

Roasting Plant is located at 81 Orchard Street (btwn Broome and Grand). There is a second location (and it's opened 24/7! past midnight) in the West Village at 75 Greenwich Avenue (at 7th Ave)

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