Wednesday, May 13, 2015

laboratorio del gelato

We trekked over to the Lower East Side in search of some inventive and tasty gelato. Having tried laboratorio del gelato's products at Beer Table we wanted to find the source and try some other flavours.

We ordered from the was difficult to choose flavours (both because there were quite a few and because it was difficult to see what they were offering - there wasn't a flavour menu and you had to strain your neck to read the labels by the ice cream buckets)

We decided on a medium cup ($4.50) of black sesame and wasabi as well as a small cup ($3.25) of ricotta.
Our favourite was definitely the black sesame (the grey-purplish gelato above). It tasted like peanut butter (coming from the nutty taste of sesame) and had a nice subtle sweet taste.
We were neutral on the ricotta gelato. It wasn't flavourful like the black sesame. It was closer to a plain vanilla. Ricotta cheese is plain anyway, so it made sense that this gelato didn't taste like much.
We didn't like the wasabi gelato (the white gelato above). It was creative and had a slight bit of heat on the finish. The taste didn't suit us (it was almost soapy to us). Though we love wasabi with sushi, we definitely did not like it in our gelato!

laboratorio del gelato is located at 95 Orchard St. (btwn Broome and Delancey Sts.) For more information, check out their website:

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