While agricultural law issues have always been important, recent concerns about food safety and food labeling have highlighted the connections between agricultural and food law. Food law and policy is an emerging area of interest and practice. And, more traditional components of the agricultural law curriculum continue to generate great interest and sometimes controversy. Environmental and sustainability concerns, biotechnology and intellectual property rights, international trade, complex commercial law arrangements, and other compelling issues continue to raise complex legal issues.
The LL.M. Program in Agricultural & Food Law at the University of Arkansas School of Law offers the nation's only advanced LL.M. degree in either agricultural law or food law. We take pride in offering a curriculum covering the full spectrum of law and policy from the perspective of the farmer, the processor, the retailer, and the consumer.
Our nine month course of study attracts attorneys from throughout the United States and from abroad. While many of our LL.M. candidates are recent law school graduates, others enter the program as experienced practitioners. Our alumni are among the leaders in the agricultural law and food law communities.
Interested in more information? Visit our website, e-mail us for information at llm@uark.edu or call 479-575-3706. Additional information can be found on our aglawllm blog. And, you can follow us on the aglawllm Twitter account.
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