Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Arkansas's LL.M. program in agricultural law

Anthony's post about the grass fed beef designation further evidences the increasingly complex merger between agricultural law and food law.

Each year in the Agricultural Law LL.M. Program that I direct, we receive more applications from people interested in studying agricultural law because they are interested in issues of food law and policy. This year for the first time, a majority of applicants to the LL.M. program applied because of their interest in food from the perspective of a consumer rather than producer. This makes for very interesting farm policy discussions . . .

Which brings me to a request. Please distribute the following announcement to any law students or attorneys that may be interested. Thank you -

Now Reviewing Applications for LL.M. Program for Fall 2008

While issues involving food and agriculture have always been important, recent concerns about food safety have highlighted critical issues concerning agricultural law. Similarly, environmental issues, biotechnology, food labeling, international trade, and other compelling new challenges face our food system. The Graduate Program in Agricultural Law at the University of Arkansas School of Law offers the nation's only advanced LL.M. degree in agricultural law. We take pride in offering a curriculum covering the full spectrum of law and policy from the perspective of the farmer, the processor, the retailer, and the consumer, and we are now including food law issues as a core aspect of that curriculum.

Our nine month course of study attracts attorneys from throughout the United States and from abroad. While many of our students are recent law school graduates, others enter the program as experienced practitioners. Our alumni are among the leaders in the agricultural law community.

The University of Arkansas School of Law is located in Fayetteville, Arkansas, "a fast-growing college town of 62,000 in the Ozark foothills . . . flush with youth, culture and natural beauty." 36 Hours, by Julie Besonen, N.Y. TIMES, April 21, 2006.

We are now reviewing applications for the 2008-2009 academic year. Interested students are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. Visit our website at http://law.uark.edu/llm/, e-mail us for information at llm@uark.edu or call 479-575-3706.

Students can also visit our new LL.M. blog.

Susan A. Schneider
Professor of Law and Director
Graduate Program in Agricultural Law
University of Arkansas School of Law
Fayetteville, Arkansas
(479) 575-4334

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