Friday, October 9, 2015

Many Thanks to the AALA

The annual AALA conference was, as usual, quite enjoyable. This year two students from the University of Nebraska College of Law attended with me. Jeff Murman (second from right) and Tim Hruza (far right), both 1Ls, attended with me. The photo also includes students from the Penn State Dickenson School of Law and, of course, Secretary Vilsack.

Both of my students were very impressed. According to Tim,
"The conference was a great experience. I attended presentations which focused on such topics as protecting the family farm, promoting local purchases of food, and understanding the implications of both federal anti-trust laws, and the Farm Bill.

I had the fortune of meeting a number of attorneys currently practicing in different areas of agricultural law, and meeting students at other universities across the nation who have interests and backgrounds similar to my own. I am confident that the information presented and the relationships formed will benefit me in my future career in law."
According to Jeff,
"The AALA Conference was an outstanding opportunity to quickly expand my limited knowledge of agricultural law. The conference was a great chance to network with other students with similar interests, as well as professionals and professors from other areas of the country. It is clear that agricultural law will be of utmost importance as the earth's population swells and available farmlands shrink. I look forward to attending next years confernce in Omaha, NE."
Many thanks to the AALA for making this a low cost experience. And many thanks to the Leone and Neal Harlan Agricultural Law Excellence Fund for paying for the students travel.

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