Saturday, October 17, 2015

{Food Events} Wilton Cake Decorating Class and Skanz Bracelet Giveaway Winner announced

Before and After cakes...Sandy Folsom taught us all (including Jessica from FoodMayhem) some fun techniques for cake decorating.
I love desserts and creating dessert tables, but when it comes to (cup)cake decorating I'm no pro. My tools include a ziplock bag with a corner cut for icing and cupcake toppers for decoration.  So I was really excited when Wilton invited me to a cake decorating class being held at Astor Place's cooking center here in NYC.   
Icing tips to make all kinds of fun designs - for both sweet and savory creations!
We started off by learning about each of the tips: the smaller the number, the smaller the opening; certain tips are great for certain techniques; etc.
My basket weave technique; making grass and vines were my contribution to our group cake design; the 2 more experienced bakers on my team took on the beautiful basket weave design; the final cake!
After having fun learning technique, we were placed into groups to apply our new-found knowledge to cake molds.
Are these cakes adorable? My classmates were a talented bunch!
Every team "won", with our cake deemed "Most Colorful" by our teachers. It was one of the funnest classes I've ever attended and I can't wait to use my new icing tips for future (cup)cakes!

And now to announce the winner of our Skanz bracelet Giveaway : Congratulations Jackie! chose you as the winner of the QR Skanz giveaway. We'll be contacting you and send you your prize soon.

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