Saturday, October 24, 2015

New Book on Farm Programs and Habitat Conservation

The National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC) recently announced the release of a new resource, Conserving Habitat through the Federal Farm Bill: A Guide for Land Trusts and Landowners.

NSAC describes the book as a collaboration of six organizations. "Principal author Aimee Weldon, with the Potomac Conservancy, brought together contributing authors from NSAC, the Izaak Walton League of America, Defenders of Wildlife and the Intermountain West Joint Venture. The Biophilia Foundation and the Living Lands Project at the Defenders of Wildlife provided financial support and the North American Bird Conservation Initiative assisted with the technical content."

The book includes:
  • A concise introduction to the federal conservation programs authorized under the Farm Bill, the agencies involved and general eligibility requirements;
  • Detailed information on those conservation programs that can best be used to improve wildlife habitat conservation;
  • Advice for the selection of the programs to match conservation and biodiversity goals;
  • Advice regarding the application process;
  • Recommendations on how to actively participate in the implementation of the programs to further local priorities;
  • Case studies of the successful use of the programs to maximize wildlife and habitat benefits.
The guide promises to be a very helpful resource. it is available in a free download as a pdf document.

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