The Agricultural Law LL.M. Program at the University of Arkansas School of Law offers a unique opportunity to study these timely issues. Founded in 1980, this program is the only advanced degree program in agricultural law in the United States. Its curriculum covers the full spectrum of law and policy from the perspective of the farmer, the processor, the retailer, and the consumer. And, new course offerings address the most current aspects of food law, labeling law, and food policy, including issues of local and sustainable food sources.
The program attracts attorneys from throughout the United States and from abroad; University of Arkansas LL.M. alumni now practice in 35 different states and 15 different countries, serving as leaders in the agricultural law and food law communities.
The LL.M. Program is now accepting applications for Fall 2009. Merit-based graduate assistantships may be available to a limited number of those admitted to the class as LL.M. candidates. These assistantships provide a tuition waiver plus a small stipend.
Interested students are encouraged to apply to the Program as soon as possible. The Program website has application information, and those interested can also e-mail llm@uark.edu or call 479-575-3706.
Additional information is posted on the aglawllm blog.
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