Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Foodie Exchange with Italy and France!

ParisThree years ago, we took our first overseas trip together to France. 

We rented an apartment in Paris (much cheaper than a hotel!), visited champagne houses in Eparnay, and ate to our hearts' content (especially when we ordered "le menu" instead of "a la carte" and got a huge multi-course fixed-price meal!).

One day we will return to France and I also hope to show my husband around Italy (another country where I constantly ate throughout my travels). 

In the meantime, we were happy to bring a bit of Paris and Italy home through the Foodie Exchange.

Paris Foodie Exchange 1
Kirsten sent us a wonderful package filled with French treats like chocolate, candy, salt, pate, caramel spread, lemon tarts, herbes de Provence...(We felt we were in Le Bon Marche!)
Sundried Tomatoes
...and finally, sundried tomatoes which will nicely dress a good pasta dish!
Italy foodie exchange 2
The second package we received was from another Italian foodie friend, Ale of Viaggiando Mangiando.  Tasty licorice caramels, Nutella spread, parmasean crisps, Amaretti biscuits, and cookies.  We were especially excited for the pasta and our request, actual squid ink! 
Italy foodie exchange
Ale sweetly sent us a recipe for Polenta with mushrooms and sausage which we happily promised to make with the polenta she sent us.  What did we send to Ale?  Check out her post here (just press the translation button on the side to read it in English).

To join the Foodie Exchange, click here.

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