Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Meyer Lemon Ice Cream - Ode to River Cafe's Rose Gray

Our local library recently re-opened, giving us free access to so many more cookbooks!  With little room left on our own bookshelves, the library opened just in the nick of time.  We walked through the stacks and headed towards the culinary section.  The glint of silver caught our eye and we immediately picked up "Italian Easy:  Recipes from the London River Cafe" by Rose Gray and Ruth Rogers.

Rose Gray and Ruth Rogers founded London's River Cafe, where Jamie Oliver started his career.  Their cookbook reflects the restaurant's philosophy of fresh, simple, yet sophisticated dishes.  Sadly Rose Gray passed away about two and a half weeks ago.  To honour this pioneer of easy delicious food, we made her lemon ice cream (so easy and made without an ice cream maker!).

Lemon Ice Cream (from Italian Easy:  Recipes from the London River Cafe)
3 Lemons (we used Meyer lemons)
1 cup superfine sugar
2 cups heavy cream
1/2 tsp salt
1. Finely grate the peel of 1 lemon
2. Squeeze the juice of all 3 lemons and combine juice with sugar.
3. Slowly add the cream and salt, mixing carefully.  It will immediately thicken.
4. Pour into a shallow container and freeze until solid around the outside and mushy in the middle.  (It took our container about 2-3 hours for this to happen - check on your container periodically as the time differs depending on how cold your freezer gets).
5. Stir with a fork and freeze until firm, or churn in an ice-cream machine.  (We froze our ice cream overnight before serving).
The ice cream was simple and we liked tasting its pure Meyer lemon flavor.  We will definitely be trying out the many other ingredient-focused recipes in the book (including 11 more ice cream recipes). 

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