Thursday, March 12, 2015

Whimsical Purple Cottage Pie

After a few days of warm, sunny weather here in NYC, we felt that spring was finally upon us.  Wanting to brighten up our dinner (and perhaps being inspired by the Alice in Wonderland movie trailers), last night I decided to make one of my husband's favorite meals - cottage pie, but with a twist.

 The idea started after buying some colorful potatoes (available here in NYC at both grocery stores and farmers' markets like the Union Square Greenmarket).  Following our cottage pie recipe, I boiled the potatoes in salted water.
After peeling a few...
...I decided to use the bluish purple potatoes to make the mashed potato topping.  After making the ground beef mixture (again, according to our original cottage pie recipe), I then added the mixture to individual ramekins.  Finally, the mashed potato topping was added on top.  To maintain the look of the dish, I didn't brown the dish in the oven.  The dishes were still tasty, with the potato topping soft versus crispy.
To add a little more whimsy to the dish, I added yellow tarragon flowers to complete the look.  This was a fun, easy dish (with no artificial coloring!) - perfect for our own Alice in Wonderland-themed tea party!

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