Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Law School Work in Food & Agriculture

A couple weeks ago, I posted on the interesting food law work going on at Harvard -  work that is largely student generated and student centered.  I have contacted a number of colleagues that I happen to know are leading work in this area, and I hope to be receiving information on new classes, clinical and skills work, and at least one new center.  The work is inspiring.

I am certain that there are other exciting law school activities going on out there -  let me know, and I would be delighted to post about your activities.
Susan Schneider

The LL.M. Program in Agricultural & Food Law
While waiting for your submissions, I am always happy to post about the work we are doing here at the University of Arkansas School of Law.  We offer the LL.M. Program in Agricultural & Food Law, providing an opportunity for attorneys to focus on the full range of legal issues affecting our food system. 

Our curriculum includes many of the traditional aspects of agricultural law -  e.g., a study of federal farm programs, the environmental regulation of agriculture,  and agricultural finance and credit issues.  But, it also includes food law & policy courses that cover issues such as food labeling, food safety, food policy issues, and specific rules such as the national organic standards.  Integrated throughout the curriculum is the concept of sustainability, with the phrase "Food, Farming & Sustainability" often used as our guiding inspiration. We offer twenty-four credits of specialized instruction over two semesters.  More information about our Program and the work of our alumni can be found on the aglaw llm blog or our twitter account, @aglawllm.

The LL.M. Program at Arkansas has been in existence for 31 years.  Thanks to the increasing interest in agricultural and food law issues, we are receiving more applications than ever before.  We have been able to raise our admissions standards while also increasing our class size.  We have our largest class ever this year -  19 candidates.  Our experienced attorneys have professional experience that includes leadership at Wal-Mart as Sustainable Development Director, Judge Advocate service at the Pentagon, service as an FAA Regional Environmental Counsel, and international customs work as a practicing attorney. We also host a professor of law from Yeunganam University in the Republic of Korea.  Our recent law graduates obtained their degrees from the University of Iowa, Ohio State University, Washington University, the University of Oregon, Hofstra University, the University of Miami, Mercer University, Novgorod State University in Novgorod, Russia, and our own University of Arkansas School of Law.

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