Sunday, April 5, 2015

Food law academy in Puglia

Alberto Alemanno left an invitation by way of commentary on an Agricultual Law post. I'm happy to reprint that invitation here in the main body of this blog:

Dear food law colleagues,

I am pleased to invite you to the 1st EFFL Summer Academy in Food Law & Policy. The academy will be held on 20-24 July at the beautiful XVII century Masseria Chiancone, a farmhouse immersed in an oasis of natural beauty, archetypically Mediterranean, along the coast of Puglia, Italy.

The academy will offer scientific reflection and discourse on key legal and policy issues in European and World food law by following an innovative and interdisciplinary approach. This will be achieved through a dynamic, informal and highly interactive five-day program, which includes lectures, presentations, discussion groups and social activities. The faculty of the academy consists of food experts coming from relevant authorities, European and U.S. institutions and agencies, academia, industry and legal practice. Scholarships will be available.

To find out more, please visit the academy's home page. I look forward to seeing some of you in beautiful Puglia this summer!

Alberto Alemanno
Academic Director — 1st EFFL Summer Academy in Food Law & Policy
Associate Professor of Law
HEC Paris
1 rue de la Libération — Jouy en Josas Cédex
+ 33 1 39 67 75 20
SSRN Author Page

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