Thursday, April 9, 2015

Mystery Meat from Dickson's Farmstand Meats - Answer Revealed!

Happy Friday everyone!  We thought we play a quick game of "What the heck did they eat?"  Take a look at this photo, read the clues below, then add a comment with your guess.

Here are the clues:  We bought this non-vegetable at Dickson's Farmstand Meats.  It is more firm then soft (i.e. more pepperoni-like than pate-like).  We ate it on its own and with crackers.  There are two of them together, and yes, I recoiled at first - but my hubby dove right it.    

What am I?  We can't wait to read your guesses!  (Answer provided on Monday)  Have a great weekend!

Updated:  Thanks to everyone who guessed!  Most of you knew that yes, we did in fact enjoy cow's tongue (actually, two of them together).  I had to get past the little taste buds on the top of the big tongue, but once I did, enjoyed this smokey and savory meat.

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