Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Tabla Frankie Street Cart

With the line at Danny Meyer's Shake Shack (below) extending the length of Madison Square Park, we decided to check out his other nearby establishment, Tabla. We heard that Tabla just added a street cart located right outside the restaurant.

The vendor puts together a Chicken Tikka Frankie.

The small menu with the other offerings are pictured above.

We choose to have the Chicken Tikka Frankie ($8): chicken in mint chutney, wrapped in a roti.

The Frankie is tasty, but not spicy or hot. The roti is good (it is egg washed) and the chicken is tender. It definitely tastes good and is a lot cheaper than dining at Tabla; however, the Frankie is not very filling nor substantial for lunch. It's a pretty good snack.

We complemented the Frankie with the pomegranate/lemonade drink ($4). This was great - light, fizzy, and not too sweet. It was very refreshing.

So, when the lines at Shake Shack are too long, check out the Tabla Frankie street cart.

The street cart is located outside 11 Madison Ave (near Madison Square Park). It will be open throughout the summer, weekdays only, from 11:30 am - 3 pm.

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