After hundreds of comments, we have enjoyed our week of giveaways in conjunction with A Little Bit of Spain in Iowa and Fresh Local and Best. I wanted to thank our readers who have entered the contests and welcome new readers who found us through this giveaway. Don't worry if you didn't win - we often host giveaways so there will be more chances opportunities in the future!
And now for the winners (as determined by Random.org)...
The winner of the Bravado nursing tank is Noelle (Opera Singer in the Kitchen) who would love the tank in the dark plum color.
The winner of the KidCo baby food mill is Janeen who wrote, “I always like to puree potatoes or winter squash. Janeen is a Spain in Iowa commenter and subscriber. (Diana will be emailing you).
The winner of the BECO Baby Carrier is Trisha who wrote, "I am a baby wearing mom to my sweet little girl. I enjoy it because I know it is wonderful for her since she feels safe and content close to my heart and it has also been a lifesaver for me. I love that I am able to get some chores done throughout the day! I would really love to try a Beco carrier...I only have a short wrap at the moment and think the convenience of a buckle carrier would be wonderful. Thanks!"
We will be emailing the winners and coordinating with our sponsors to make sure you get your prize soon! Congratulations to all!
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