Friday, August 28, 2015

Moving on From Those Measles Photos - Publication Opportunity

Whether you find the irradiation of lettuce to be an indication of a troubled food system or the triumph of public necessity over individual ignorance, food law clearly presents some interesting issues. And, because it is an area where there are new legal issues and challenges, there are many topics worthy of inspired scholarship.

The Journal of Food Law & Policy at the University of Arkansas School of Law is now accepting submissions for scholarly articles that explore these issues. The Journal is published twice a year and is edited by an Editorial Board comprised of top law students. The Journal is available on Westlaw and Hein Online and is on track with an efficient and fast-paced production cycle. Submissions can be made via ExpressO, by email to or by mail to:

The Journal of Food Law & Policy
University of Arkansas School of Law
Waterman Hall, Leflar Law Center
Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701

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