Poured from a 12oz bottle into a chalice (standard Chimay glass) at room temperature, the Belgian quadrupel drank more like a cognac than a traditional quad. Dark fruits are apparent, with rich date and fig, a little brown sugar...enough fruit and rich flavors to balance the alcohol of the beer so it remains smooth. There was no harsh edge or burn even on the finish. Some of the alcohol was noticeable on the nose but this beer was so enjoyable. We could not believe how drinkable and balanced this was at 10.2% ABV. The bottle itself was over 4 years old (the 12 can age longer than most wines).
If you come across any, don't pass up the chance to taste or buy. It is worth it no matter what it costs. A true once in a lifetime beer experience. We wish we had a couple of bottles to age at home.
Westvleteren 8 and 12 are only available (legally) through the brewery at Abbey of the Saint Sixtus of Westvleteren.
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