Friday, August 7, 2015

{Sweet Treats} Hazelnut Iced Coffee

Summertime means that we always have people dropping by for a casual get-together.  We love having friends and family over to our apartment - and there's nothing better than catching up over coffee. Since my husband loves his daily iced coffee pick-me-up, we always have a pitcher of cold brewed coffee ready to share.

This past weekend, Jeff's family and friends came to visit us in the city. While we waited out the sudden evening rain, I made Hazelnut Ice Coffee dessert drinks for everyone. Happily our guests enjoyed these sweet treats (and they perked everyone up!)
Through Foodbuzz's Tastemaker's program, we received 2 complimentary packages of Godiva coffee: Chocolate Truffle and Hazelnut Creme.  Both smelled great, but I opted to use the Hazelnut Creme flavor to make both cold-brewed coffee and hazelnut coffee gelato.
To make the cold-brewed coffee concentrate, I followed this recipe.  I keep the filtered concentrate ready on-hand to be served when company comes over.  It's also used to make the coffee gelato.
Godiva Hazelnut Coffee Gelato

3 cups organic whole milk
4 large egg yolks
2/3 cup sugar
Pinch salt (brings out the sweetness)
1 cup cold-brewed Godiva coffee (room temperature)

1. Heat the whole milk until it boils.
2. In a large bowl, beat the egg yolks, sugar, and salt until mixed.
3. Slowly add the hot milk to the egg mixture until combined. Add the cold-brewed coffee.
4. Pour the mixture back into the pan. Cook over medium-low heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, for 5 to 10 minutes, until it's thickened and the cream coats the back of the spoon.
5. Refrigerate mixture until completely chilled.
6. Pour the espresso cream into an ice-cream freezer and freeze according to the manufacturer's directions. 
7. Spoon into a container, and allow to freeze for a few hours. Soften slightly before serving.
To make the iced coffee drinks, I added a couple scoops of the gelato into a chilled glass, followed by some coffee concentrate and skim milk. This creamy drink is perfect for dessert and easy to put together for any last-minute guests.

What's your go-to dish/drink for impromptu get-togethers?

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